logofarm life

“Cotton was, as it is now, a major crop in Dell. Those were the days of the balky mules, riding plows, straw bosses, milking chores in the morning and afternoon not to mention the endless trough of water that had to be pumped for the livestock every day. Spring during those years was a sight to behold. Trees were everywhere, the air was pure and the Dell Ditch (Pemiscot Bayou) north of town was full of fish. People did work hard; they took to the fields early and worked late. How many of us can remember the loud, clear ring of the dinner bell as it called the workers from the fields for dinner and rest. It’s call was beautiful music to old and young alike because it’s ring conjured up visions of fried country ham, wilted lettuce, fried squash, garden fresh peas and corn, fresh baked bread and gallons of cold tea or milk. Every high noon was feast day for the working man of the house.
Spring would inevitably drift into summer. What a pleasure you found in watching the crops reach for the sun. Visions of prosperity danced in every young man’s head, especially if he had forty acres, a mule and marriage on his mind. Cake walks, ice cream suppers, and strolls through the balmy summer nights are happy memories. Children chasing lightning bugs, practicing piano and swinging from rope swings tied to tree branches filled your summer days with happy sounds and a feeling of fulfillment. However beautiful the spring and summer, there was nothing to compare with the days of harvest. To a farmer there was no more beautiful sight than a barn filled with hay and corn, a barn lot full of cows, horses, and pigs, and cellar filled with fruits and vegetables from his wife’s garden. When we think back on those days of warm kitchens, butter floating in churns, roosters calling in the morning; we realize the richness of your early years. . .” (From: "Mrs. Earl Magers Day" by Cleo Lewis)































Links to:

dellarkansas.com The Dell History Website

 Curtis C. Duncan Photography

 Our Cotton Patch, LLC, Dell, Arkansas

For questions,  or to send information, contact: backatthefarm1938@yahoo.com

We each have our place in time, and if we live right, we change that place and that time for the better.

 MsCoAR USGen Web
Arkansas Delta Made Marketplace